Hike Day Two

The second hike is so much better than the first one!

First of all, I looked for an easy hike in the El Dorado NF visitor page and found one at Ice House reservoir. However, since it snowed a couple days before, the trail was covered with snow and hard to find.

So instead we just decided to hike around the shoreline of the lake for a bit and return back to the Jeep. This level and simple hike was easier and much more enjoyable for me at this stage. My son and the dog enjoyed the slow walk as well, although the Labrador could not stay out of the cold water, so we enjoyed wet dog smell on the drive home!

We hiked in a little over a mile and found a nice beach with a picnic table to rest for a spell, and I even had some energy to teach my son some safe knife skills, since we were out in the “woods” .The hike reminded me of the early simple scouting days. Just Awesome!

With the realization that my fitness wont come back fast, I see many more easy shoreline hikes in the future. Now we just need a little more snow to make it extra special! Oh, and maybe some trekking poles too…

Did overdoing it and learning your limits ever make you pull back the next time out?

Author: Matthew

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