Home improvement tasks point out where to focus fitness

Home improvement fitness

We all have a list of home improvement tasks to accomplish for the homestead or even the RV. That list can have kitchens, bathrooms, paint, siding, roofing, waterproofing, planting, and flooring. It goes on and on. For us, as time and budget allows, we chip away at the list. This week for instance, we decided that our rooms destroyed carpet needed to go and to be replaced by laminate. It is a relatively easy job for the DIY enthusiast or just anyone handy with some simple saw skills. I knew that we had the tools and the skills to do this relatively easily, so we went ahead and delved in to it this weekend. We moved out the furniture, removed the carpet, and started laying down the flooring. It was going great, but I noticed that my body was getting tired and my knees really hurt. I pushed through the tiredness and soreness to at least finish laying the boards and quit for the day.

Then came day two! We needed to finish the baseboard and touch up the paint. I was very sore! I was actually surprised by how sore I was! I thought I’d been improving my fitness around the homestead and the hikes! Well, obviously not enough! All the getting down and back up from the floor was more than my body could handle. We did finish the project with a great new floor and a better appreciation for better fitness. My home improvement tasks point out where to focus fitness in my exercise plan.

Home improvement tasks will show you where your exercise plan needs improving. I obviously need to do more weight training and not just the functional fitness I’d been thinking was working fine. I know that the homesteading tasks were helping to improve my overall fitness due to some soreness from time to time, but the flooring job shows I must do more. Life on the homestead takes fitness and I was just not ready after a life behind the computer. Look for more about my updated fitness workouts in the future!

Did you ever feel your home improvement tasks point out where to focus fitness?


Author: Matthew

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